Voodoo Extreme
Voodoo Extreme is updated every 5 minutes it seems, with information on every thing 3D related plus Blizzard games :)

Aint-it-cool-news is the best place for the latest movie and television rumors, reviews, etc.  Plus he lives in Austin Texas like me so he must be cool ;)

AGN 3D is a cool site updated with gaming news, previews, and reviews.  It covers all 3 ews ;) Check it out!

Voodoo: Unlimited Power
Voodoo: Unlimited Power is a cool site for previews, interviews, and their news section is always being updated. Definitely a cool site.

Cyrellis has some cool hardware reviews, and once again news, and predviews. I see a trend! ;) Got to find the old thesaurus and dictionary ;)

Tresspasser Central
Tresspasser Central is the site for Tresspasser related news.

Starcraft.Org is the only site for Starcraft related news.

Unreal Nation
Unreal Nation is updated 24/7 on Unreal related news.

Planet Unreal
Planet Unreal is part of the Planet Quake network.  It host about every Unreal MOD and has tons of info on Unreal.   Definitely a must book mark for anyone who plays Unreal.